Important things to do when your power starts tripping

When your power starts tripping, or going on and off without you flicking a switch, there are a few steps you can take before calling a trusted electrician. We urge you to exercise caution whilst doing the following steps. 1. Locate EXACTLY what is on the bad circuit. Have a think about all the possible […]

Benefits of Energy Saving Appliances

Benefits of Energy Saving Appliances When energy saving appliances started hitting the market a few years back, many people thought there were too good to be true. Some believed they were another way for companies to sell products without end-users getting real value. Fast-forward to today, these appliances are making headlines more than ever before. […]

How To Use A Multimeter


There is no doubting the fact that a multimeter is an indispensable tool. This is due to the various ways it can be put to use. For instance, it can be used in measuring resistance, voltage, testing batteries, diagnosing circuits and many more. Even if you want to do troubleshooting to find out whether a […]

Home Circuit Breaker Or Fuse Box?

Fuse Box

There are differing opinions for many homeowners on when considering using a circuit breaker vs a fuse. For example, while many feel that circuit breakers are much better (with wider applications), others are in support of using fuses in their homes (simple and easy to use for the home owner). As simple as this subject […]